Ember Choral Arts & SOPAC Messiah Sing
Solo Competition Rules and Procedure
Ember Choral Arts seeks to provide opportunities for young singers in training, ages 15-22, through awarding arias in its first annual Messiah Sing to winning soloists. Winning soloists will rehearse and perform with a chamber orchestra, and will receive a coaching session on their aria. Application for these solo spots will proceed as follows:
Phase 1
Contestants must follow @EmberEnsemble on Instagram or TikTok
Contestants must make a video of themselves singing one of the solos in Handel's Messiah for which they wish to apply (drawn from the list of included solos included here), and upload it to Instagram or TikTok by October 15, 2022. The video must be performed with accompaniment (cannot be a cappella).
When posting your video submission you must tag @EmberEnsemble and use the hashtag #EmberMessiahSing
On Ember’s TikTok and website accompaniment videos of the four solos are available for singers to duet with.
Phase 2
Applicants will be notified by October 25th as to whether or not they will be invited for an in-person audition/coaching.
In-person auditions of these semi-finalists will take place in the second full week of November. An accompanist will be provided for these coaching sessions.
A panel of professionals will select the winners.
Winning contestants will be contacted no later than November 21st via Instagram or TikTok, and must: be available for the following:
Be available for the dress rehearsal on Monday, December 19, 2022, beginning at 3:00 pm to be held at the South Orange Performing Arts Center
Provide their own transportation to and from rehearsal and the performance.
Stipulations: Contestants must be between the ages of 15-22. Professional singers are not eligible. A professional is anyone whose livelihood is derived (even in part) from performing as a professional singer. Contestants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Only performers (and in the case of minors, one legal parent or guardian) will be permitted in backstage areas. Please direct any questions to Operations@EmberArts.org